Weeknotes Season 4 Episode 08

Posted Tue 10th Oct 2017 approx. 1 min read

Round and round

Planning. It’s a thing. A thing I try to get better at, especially in the face of the more regular than I’d like occurrence of a bit list of things that need doing. I’m as guilty as the next well intentioned geek in that I include on that list a ton of things that I’d like to know more about, in addition to more mundane core things. It would be remarkably easy for me to neglect the dull stuff in favour of whatever I fancy next, but that wouldn’t be very professional.

So that leads to me writing this on a Monday,

“frustrating start to the day with the what seems like regular occurrence of not knowing which of the many things I need to do to start on.”

I ended up getting over myself but the trusty method of picking something from the list and sticking my headphones on. I’d been procrastinating investigating an aspect of our search setup because there’s a ton of baffling configuration and workflow around our search, and it doesn’t take long before I’m feeling pretty stupid. Thankfully, the Funnelbakc support people are pretty helpful and patient, so I got most of the way to a solution.

So even with my healthy excursion into a useful support ticket, and others I came back to the big list on the whiteboard. My fellow designer sat with me and we worked out some heading for the activity and a plan to knock it into shape, and more importantly into systems that will help us get it down.

It seems like there’s a huge dearth of clear roadmaps of activity at the moment.

When I slip into this project paralysis funk, I try to tell myself to narrow down the things I care about, and more crucially can influence. This is easier said than done when you’re as nosy and curious as I am. It is also absolutely classic procrastination - even from things I’m interested in.
