unilogos Review
Posted Sun 5th Sep 2010
University of Worcester

Reminded me of the old AT&T logo or a more generic technology or telecomm company. The gradient on the sphere does provide some 3d depth to the sphere and demonstrates that since so much of our interactions with logo now take place on screens, where color is cheap, the simplification of logos that used to be necessary is less of a consideration.
The flat version of the logo is included here to demonstrate how the depth provided by the gradient really compliments to curvy W.
The loose line of the w is suggestive of handwriting, but cleaner, managing to still provide the necessary dynamism. The aim seems to be to capture a forward looking and futuristic feel, literally with the sharp edges knocked off.
Uses Bliss as the primary typeface. A relaxed, informal and clean face and in this logo the long tail of the y and the little projection from the top of the W add some character.
Tagged : English , West Midlands , Blue , Sans-serif , Circle
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