Blog Scavenged Sketchbook

Tagged: Thoughts | Posted: Tue, May 07, 2013 approx. 2 min read

Scavenged Sketchbook
Sketchbook and Pens

It’s always enjoyable when I get to the end of a sketchbook, and this one was no exception. This book lasted from the 3 Jan 2013 until the 3rd May 2013. I know this because some time ago I got into the habit of writing the dates when I drew something next to it – something that I’d recommend for anyone starting to keep a sketchbook.

This particular sketchbook had a strange origin since I scavenged it from the wastepaper bin in work. I noticed this thick almost brand new book in the bin, which intrigued me. It had a glossy cover and some business sounding title, but then it was very puzzling since it was completely blank. It turned out it had been sent as a promotional item – for what I have no idea – but I was attracted to it because the paper was thick and had a lovely shiny finish that I thought would take some ink really well.

I was right about the paper – my current pens of choice the Uniball Pin pens, went on very smoothly, encouraging me to really colour in those blacks. It was a lot longer than I normally use, being around 160 sheets, where I normally go for something around 50 -80, and as time progressed I started to not draw on both sides like I tend to do with other books. This is partly a consequence of the binding not being as good as a Moleskine or Ring binding, and worrying about it splitting.

What has been interesting to reflect on is the way the book influences the sketch notes and writings. The glossy paper’s way of showing shiny blacks encouraged me to work mainly in black and white and mainly in pen. In the later pages of the book I dug out an old Posca pen I had which looked great. The dense matt black was quite a contrast to the shiny Pin pen ink.

One downside of the glossy paper is the drying time, which made turning over and completing a live sketchnote a little tricky.

Some highlights from this one