
Paul Boag - IWMW2014

16 Jul 2014 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Iwmw14 Iwmw Live

Good call to make changes, and how to do it.

Martin Hawksey - IWMW2014

16 Jul 2014 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Iwmw14 Iwmw Live

Clever man doing clever things.

Creative Morning Sketchnotes

30 Jun 2014 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Live

It really was a creative morning for me. I arrived a bit early in Cardiff, and since it was a lovely day I took the opportunity to try some sketching. I’m amazed at the Urban sketchers who manage to overcome their shyness to get out and draw, but even for my dodgy little drawings it was fun, and like most things the practice felt good.

Port80 2014 Roy Tomeij Sketchnotes

16 May 2014 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Port80-2014 Live Port80

Roy Tomeij : Make them click.

Port80 2014 Nathan Ford Sketchnotes

16 May 2014 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Port80-2014 Live Port80

Nathan Ford : Mastering the dark art of fluid layout

Port80 2014 Matt Jukes Sketchnotes

16 May 2014 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Port80-2014 Live Port80

Matt Jukes : Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

Port80 2014 Louise Tierney Sketchnotes

16 May 2014 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Port80-2014 Live Port80

Louise Tierney : Put yourself in their shoes!

Port80 2014 Kimberley Tew Sketchnotes

16 May 2014 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Port80-2014 Live Port80

Kimberley Tew : Accessibility for Humans.

Port80 2014 Kevin Evans Sketchnotes

16 May 2014 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Port80-2014 Live Port80

Kevin Evans : These ARE the Droids you’re looking for.

Port80 2014 Denise Jacobs Sketchnotes

16 May 2014 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Port80-2014 Live Port80

Denise R Jacobs : Banish your inner Critic

Port80 2014 Dan Donald Sketchnotes

16 May 2014 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Port80-2014 Live Port80

Dan Donald : Designing Evolution

Port80 Localhost Spring 2014

27 Feb 2014 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Live Port80

Interesting evening at localhost in Newport, with talks by @sturobson, @rumyra and @garethstrange - something for everyone.

Start before you're ready

06 Dec 2013 in Blog Tagged: Thoughts

Reading Levelling up by Ashely Baxter

Syd Lawrence - Who misses playing “Guess Who?”

29 Nov 2013 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Handheld13 Live

Syd did a brave thing - trying a fun interactive code game, and I thought it went pretty well even if not quite as well as he’d hoped. Plenty of bravery points for standing up there and doing a good job of keeping things going.

Mark Boulton - The Business of Responsive Design

29 Nov 2013 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Handheld13 Live

Mark started his take about with a tail of Mountaineering on the Eiger (and his proposal to his concussed wife!). The point of the story about Andreas Hinterstoißer was left hanging until the end. Mark then talked about his experiences working with CERN to understand their content problems - that of very different audiences for the output from CERN and how to tailor messages for them. He also talked about how working for Al-Jezeera has meant a much deeper understanding of the journalistic process and how stories are constructed has been necessary.

Ling Valentine - When responsive sites work as well as a chocolate iPhone

29 Nov 2013 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Handheld13 Live

For Ling and Eddie’s talks I was stuck in the dark seats and so my notes are sparse. Ling made some interesting points about the important of the big buying decisions that people make on her site, and doubted whether a smartphone could ever be a comfortable place for that kind of transaction. I suspect many in the audience disagreed with that, but you’d have to be pretty grumpy not to like Ling’s presentation and gusto. Which is reflected on the site Lings cars

Jon Hicks - Icon Design Process

29 Nov 2013 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Handheld13 Live

Long been fan of Jon Hicks lovely icon work and bought the Icon Handbook. This talk was great for getting the tons of information contained in the book. Not quite so sure it worked quite so well as a talk. I’ve heard Jon on podcasts and would have liked him to digress and talk around the subject a little more, like I’m sure he can. Some of the examples of odd icons he gave, showed a glimpse of how entertaining and informative he can be when going ‘off piste’.

Jeremy Keith - The Long Web

29 Nov 2013 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Handheld13 Live

I’ve seen Jeremy speak twice before and each time was a wide ranging and interesting snapshot of a topic, so I was expecting more of what had worked well in the past. This felt different - the same overview and context of a wider web was still there but he talked through the redesign and refactoring of The Session. Nicely relating everyday development of a site to the principle of preservation and the future friendly web.

Jeffrey Zeldman - Ten Commandments of Modern Web Design

29 Nov 2013 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Handheld13 Live

Jeffrey Zeldman finished the day, and gave a cracking talk that had lots of examples, anecdotes, ideas and suggestions liberally littered throughout. I think he did a great job of sending everyone away all fired up to do great work, but with some specific links to help. A pretty ideal combination to my mind. Because it was such a great talk it makes sketchnoting it pretty easy, and I’ve a feeling that I’ll be flicking back to my notes pretty regularly over the next few months.

Eddie Machado - Crafting your Toolset

29 Nov 2013 in Sketchnotes Tagged: Handheld13 Live

Eddie did an interesting roundup of the the techniques he used to create the handheld site. It was notable not only for a very in depth explanation of the process, but also for his honesty when confessing things that he’d done that he wasn’t entirely happy with. Detailing the compromises in that way made it better for me, and talking about them in front of a huge audience must have been daunting.